Wednesday 6 April 2016

Silent assassin!

"In character, style, and in all things, supreme excellence is...simplicity!" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

....wrote E.H.Aitken, the great naturalist, in his wonderful book "A Naturalist on the prowl"...."I have always felt a strange pleasure in seeing without being seen. Even when I was an indolent little man of six, it gave me rare delight to hide under a sofa and peep at the feet of everybody who passed through the room. "Ha! he does not know that I am here," I said to myself, and "chortled." I cannot quite satisfactorily analyse this kind of enjoyment and am not sure it is very respectable, but it is very human. Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.

I have long since given up the pastime of prying into the secret ways of my kind, and to crawl under furniture would now be irksome to me; but I wander into the jungle, where "things that own not man's dominion dwell," and there I prowl, climb into a tree, sit under a bush, or lie on the grass, and watch the ways of my fellow-creatures, seeing but unseen, or, if seen, not regarded; for beasts and birds and creeping things, except when they fear men, ignore him, and so they go about their various occupations, their labours and their amusements, without affectation and without self consciousness. This is the way to read the book of nature....."

.....and this...incidentally, is also the way to read, observe and indulge in a game of chess.....allowing what the game has, has to offer you....and it corresponds to the level of your interest, intensity....never mind about the level of mastery....

.....for, what we know is what we know....and what we can ingest!

And, do not forget, you grow with every passing move, game, hour.....years!

Fasten your are going to get jolted violently by a most improbably assassin....

.....therefore, I am not going to give the players names in the beginning....not willing to spoil the fun!

Vassily Smyslov vs Vladimir Liberzon ; Riga - 1968

1.c4 e5; 2.Nc3 Nc6; 3.g3 g6; 4.Bg2 Bg7; 5.Rb1 d6; 6.b4 a6; 7.e3 f5; 8.Nge2 Nf6; 9.d3 OO; 10.OO Bd7; 11.a4

"The opening phase is over and White sets about implementing his main strategic plan." - ...........

And his strategic plan is to gain space on the Queenside, push back the c6 Knight so that he gains more control over the center and carry out an advance in the center to gain space, control more squares and lines!


11.....Rb8; 12.b5! ab5; 13.ab5 Ne7; 14.Ba3!

A cunning move, whose purpose is revealed in the next move that White makes!

14.....Be6; 15.Qb3!

This move not only defends the c4-pawn to enable the push 16.d4, but also forestalls ....c5; which would be met with, as the player himself gave, 15.....c5? 16.bc6 bc6; 17.Qb8 Qb8; 18.Rb8 Rb8; 19.Bd6!

15.....b6; 16.d4! e4

Black has to keep the center closed as allowing 17.de5 would only give space and line for White in the center too.....

17.d5 Bf7; 18.Nd4 Qd7; 19.Bb2!

.....Black pieces suffocate for space...and

19......g5; 20.Nce2 Kh8; 21.Ra1!? Ng6; 22.f4!

"This move nips Black's counterplay in the bud. If 22.....gf4, then 23.Nf4 Nf4; 24.Rf4 and the f5 pawn is doomed, or if 22.....g4; 23.Ra7! followed by Nc6 or Ne6, when Black's position is unenviable." ...........

So far, like Aitken, we were hiding under the furniture to see the pieces move here and, we shall slowly move into the forest and let the pieces......!

22.....ef3; 23.Rf3 Ne7; 24.Nc6! Rbe8; 25.Ned4!

One by one, the beasts are showing up....!

25......Nfd5!?; 26.cd5 Bd5

.....and we thought only we were unaware of what was coming...

......and was hoping for 27.Qc2 Bf3; 28.Bf3 Ng6!


"An unexpected Queen sacrifice that precipitates a storm of complications.
If now 27.....Nf5; 28.Qd5 Bb2; 29.Raf1!  

Or if 27......Bb3; 28.Bg7 Kg8; 29.Nce7 Re7; 30.Bf8 Kf8; 31.Ra8 Kf7; 32.Nd4 Kg7; 33.Nb3 wins"


27.....Rf5; 28.Bg7 Kg8!

If instead 28.....Kg7; 29.Qc3 followed by Rf5 etc.  Now, comes the second jolt....!!


The White Queen obstinately refuses to move......and this time Black Bishop embraces her!

29.....Bb3; 30.Rg5 Ng6; 31.Bh6 Qe6; 32.h4!!

This move underlines the helplessness of Black!

32.....Qe3; 33.Kh2 Qc3; 34.Rf1 Bc4; 35.Rf2 Qe1; 36.Rgf5! Bb5; 37.Bd2! Qb1

Leads to a poetic mate, befitting the masterpiece game!

38.Bd5 Kh8; 39.Bc3 Ne5; 40.Ne5 de5; 41.Re5! & Liberzon who played Black Resigned

Want to know who played the White side.......

please go and double click on the space where his name should be.....!!

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